Foster care
Vulnerable children need compassionate, supportive care
The need for foster parents is great. When there aren’t enough foster families in their area, children who come into care often have to be moved across the state, giving up what little consistency they still had. There are children who need a safe, loving home right in your community. They need us to be brave – to stand up and step into the gap while their families get the support they need. To build strong bonds and establish a sense of permanency for children we need parents to step up for foster care as well as adoption.
Provide a forever home to kids that need it most
There are thousands of children in foster care waiting to be adopted and experience the stability and love of a forever family. Sadly, there aren’t enough people adopting from foster care to meet the need. We need compassionate people willing to simply explore if fostering to adopt is right for them. If you’ve been considering adoption, there’s no better place to start than right here.

outpatient mental health
Delivering hope and healing using the latest evidence-based treatment models
We are a comprehensive outpatient mental health organization providing innovative, quality programs to heal children, families, and adults. We offer evidence-based approaches that include a focus on trauma competent care – all designed to acknowledge life’s adversities and empower clients to find the next step in their ongoing journey to healing.
Community Based Family Support
Meeting people where they are
We can’t expect that everyone in need will have the capacity or ability to come to us for help. Often, we must take the initiative and go to them. Our community-based mental health services reduce the barrier to getting care by serving in parks, community centers, and in the homes of those we serve.

Other Services
We are always trying to improve ourselves and the services we provide. The challenges people face are as unique as they are, which means we must constantly be looking for new ways to bring health and healing.
Our commitment to innovation challenges other organizations to step up alongside us and provide better care to the people we serve.
Independent Living Academy
The Independent Living Academy (ILA) is a program for young adults who have aged out of the foster care system or who have been in custody prior to their 19th birthday.
Intellectual Disability Services
Working with and raising individuals with intellectual disabilities takes great patience and skill. We can assist you and your loved ones with proven techniques and training.

Get in touch with the Omni team
Whether you’re considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent, want to access behavioral health services, or are interested in joining the team, we want to help. Click below to connect with our team, we’d love to talk.