
Intensive Foster Care

What is IFC?

The Omni Family has a long history of providing exceptional support with a focus on safety, permanency and well being. Intensive Foster Care Services (IFCS) supports young people, ages 5-19, who are in a home that contributes to placement instability or transitioning from another placement. OFS of Indiana will work with treatment teams to determine our capacity to serve referred youth with I/DD and autism diagnoses. Additionally, we provide IFC services to youth in DCS foster homes or placed with non-licensed kin. We do not currently provide services for youth placed in LCPA homes.

A Whole Family Approach

Omni’s approach is rooted in the evidence-based practice TBRI® (Trust-Based Relational Intervention). Using TBRI’s Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting Principles and Strategies, caring adults learn to use the power of secure attachment and trust-building skills in their everyday relationships with struggling kids, to guide them back to a path of healthy development that was sidetracked by early adversity.

Service Delivery Goals

Safety, Stability and Permanency for all family members

Our highly trained IFC team, that includes a Family Support Specialist and a Licensed Therapist, will provide intensive therapeutic and case management interventions to address the unique needs of each family through:

  • Individual and family based assessments
  • Treatment planning
  • Trauma-informed evidenced based practices
  • Caregiver skills training
  • Individual and family therapy
  • Community resource connecting
  • Concrete support
  • Biological family visitation support
  • Respite care coordination
  • Sustainable discharge planning

Omni Family of Services:

Indiana Community Based Programs serve Indiana children and families involved with the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). 

If you are seeking IFC services for a family or child(ren) involved with DCS, please contact Andrea Goodwin, Executive Director and President of the Omni Family of Services-Indiana.

Service Regions:
5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 18

Email:  [email protected]
Phone: 317-442-0895 

Get in touch with the Omni team

Whether you’re considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent or have already begun your journey and  would like support, we want to help. Click below to connect with our team, we’d love to talk.