

What is FITT Ohio?

Family Intervention Treatment Team (FITT) is a community-based placement stabilization program supporting youth ages 5-18 who are at risk of hospitalization, disruption or needing stabilization support when returning home from a higher level of care.

FITT partners with families to resolve crisis, avoid out of home placement, and provides skills for future crisis prevention. Each family in our 90-day program receives evidence-based services from a Master’s level Therapist and a Family Peer Support Specialist dedicated to their care with 24/7 access to on-call providers.

Families Receive

  • Crisis Support
  • Counseling
  • Parenting Support
  • Academic Advocacy
  • Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

How We Do It

Collaborate and create a comprehensive plan of care with the family. Services are scheduled around the family’s availability within the home, community, or school.

Provide wraparound services of support and assist family in accessing needed community resources, including crisis stabilization.

Actively partner with schools, courts, children services, and community health providers to assist in developing ongoing services.

Learn More

Make A Referral

Email:  [email protected]
Phone: 629-256-0714

Get in touch with the Omni team

Whether you’re considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent or have already begun your journey and  would like support, we want to help. Click below to connect with our team, we’d love to talk.