Online Foster Parent Communities

Online Communities for Foster Parents

As with anything life-changing, it’s helpful and important to connect with people who understand what you’re going through. Being a foster parent is a unique experience: there are complex feelings, acronyms, situations, laws and policies to take into account. And, of course, each child is different. You’re going to want to form relationships with people who understand – with whom you can share advice, talk about challenges and engage with in a meaningful way.

Beyond organizations’ offerings and in-person support groups, there are opportunities to create community online. Here are a few online communities you can use to meet fellow and prospective foster parents.

Local Facebook Groups 

Search Facebook for foster parent groups specific to geographic areas. These groups are generally private. You can use the search function in groups to find posts on specific topics, or you can write your own. The comments section in Facebook groups tends to be more regulated than elsewhere on the site, as membership depends on being respectful. Some Facebook groups also have dedicated chat rooms for more interactive discussions. You can also develop closer relationships by reaching out to specific members directly through Facebook Messenger. 

If you already know about foster parent support organizations in your area, see if they have a dedicated Facebook page or group as well.

Omni Family of Services has a private Facebook group for each of our locations. Once you are approved as a foster parent through Omni, you’ll get invited to the local group in your area where you can connect with staff, connect with other parents and share about your experience. You’ll also get reminders about training options, community resources and upcoming events. Learn more about becoming a foster parent through Omni here.

Peanut app

Peanut is an Apple and Android app to “find mom friends.” If you’re a foster mom, this can be a great option for connection. Join over 5 million women in dedicated forums about everything from planning for a baby to menopause. They have a section specifically for “Community Posts, Tips & Support on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.” 

Foster the Family Instagram

Sometimes one of the best ways to connect with other foster families is through social media comment sections for existing foster parent organizations, blogs or accounts. By following an account like Foster the Family, you can see others’ responses to posts and interact with them there. You may find tips from other parents or simply camaraderie in this unique and often challenging journey. Having people you can talk to who understand your situation can lighten the emotional load, even if they aren’t nearby.

If you need guidance or want additional opportunities for connection, reach out to Omni Family Services here.

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Get in touch with the Omni team

Whether you’re considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent, want to access behavioral health services, or are interested in joining the team, we want to help. Click below to connect with our team, we’d love to talk.