Understanding Board Rates

Financial Support for Foster Parents: What is a Board Rate?

If you’re considering becoming a foster parent, understanding the financial support provided by your agency can be a crucial factor in making your decision. Board rates are the stipends paid to foster parents to help cover the daily care of foster children. These rates are determined by each individual state and are influenced by factors like the child’s age and any additional physical or mental health concerns. 

How Board Rates Work

Foster parents receive a daily stipend from their foster care agency to help cover the costs associated with caring for a child in foster care. The amount of the stipend can differ significantly depending on the state, the age of the child, and any special needs the child may have. For example, in Tennessee, regular foster care board rates are currently set at about $25 per day for children aged 0-11 and about $29 per day for children aged 12 and older. For children with special circumstances, the rates are about $27 per day for those aged 0-11 and $32 per day for those aged 12 and older. Some states will also pay an additional stipend to foster parents if a child stays with them for a predetermined amount of time.

Omni Family of Services provides board rates based on level of need, as we work with children with a greater range of needs than a state’s child welfare department might. When you foster with Omni, we will walk you through what stipends are provided for which types of placements.

Board rates vary across the United States and can even vary from county to county in some cases. The best way to determine the board rate in your specific area is to check your state’s child welfare agency’s website.

What Board Rates Are For

The board payment is not like earning a salary for a job. It is designed to assist with the various expenses related to fostering a child, including:

  • Food 
  • Housing and Utilities
  • Basic Health and Hygiene Expenses
  • Transportation
  • Additional Clothing
  • Extracurricular Activity Fees and Uniforms
  • School Supplies
  • Entertainment

Initial Expenses and Reimbursement

When you welcome a new placement, it’s helpful to remember you may not be paid your board rate immediately due to the time it takes to process. You will be paid for that time retroactively, but it may take a couple of weeks to reach you. Be prepared to manage some expenses on the front end until your agency can get the stipends processed. Typically stipends are sent monthly, but may vary by state.

Important Considerations

While the board rate provides essential support, it should not be relied upon as a source of income. Foster parents should consider the stipend as a means to cover the additional expenses of caring for a child, rather than a way to make a living. It is also advisable for foster parents to set aside some of the stipend for special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, and other special events to ensure that foster children have memorable and fulfilling experiences. There may also be nonprofits or churches in your area that donate things like new school supplies, Christmas gifts, and clothing to children in foster care throughout the year. Some quick research online should be able to help you find these additional resources.

Learn More with Omni Family of Services

As you consider becoming a foster parent, it’s normal to have questions about the process as well as about the ways in which your life may change – including the financial logistics. Omni Family of Services offers extensive training as well as 24/7 support for contracted foster parents in Tennessee, North Carolina and Kentucky. We would love to answer any questions you have as you begin your journey into foster care. We’re here to help every step of the way.

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